Brooklyn Cheese Shop  (c) Bob Bass
 Thaw  (c) Diane Bennett
 Mother and Child  (c) Bob Bicknell
 Red Nectar  (c) William Feiring
 Emergence  (c) Richard Fine
 Time Paused  (c) John Harris
 57 Chevy  (c) Joan Robbio
 Old Friends  (c) Susan Kottler
 Moonrise, Hampton Beach  (c) Deb Lannon
 Rackwick Beach  (c) Michael LeBlanc
 Reflection  (c) Joe Gallagher
 John McEuen  (c) Marv Goldschmitt
 Kolkata  (c) Richard Mahoney
 Light under Light: Flower  (c) Charles Mazel
 The Journey  (c) Kathleen McNeil
 Milking Parlor  (c) Sally Naish
 Across the Charles  (c) Paul Newcomb
 White Sands  (c) Richard Wolk
 Construction Site  (c) Ellen Royalty
 Elsewhere  (c) Betty Stone
 Bridge People  (c) William Daniels
 On the Road  (c) Linda Wolk

Brooklyn Cheese Shop  (c) Bob Bass

Thaw  (c) Diane Bennett

Mother and Child  (c) Bob Bicknell

Red Nectar  (c) William Feiring

Emergence  (c) Richard Fine

Time Paused  (c) John Harris

57 Chevy  (c) Joan Robbio

Old Friends  (c) Susan Kottler

Moonrise, Hampton Beach  (c) Deb Lannon

Rackwick Beach  (c) Michael LeBlanc

Reflection  (c) Joe Gallagher

John McEuen  (c) Marv Goldschmitt

Kolkata  (c) Richard Mahoney

Light under Light: Flower  (c) Charles Mazel

The Journey  (c) Kathleen McNeil

Milking Parlor  (c) Sally Naish

Across the Charles  (c) Paul Newcomb

White Sands  (c) Richard Wolk

Construction Site  (c) Ellen Royalty

Elsewhere  (c) Betty Stone

Bridge People  (c) William Daniels

On the Road  (c) Linda Wolk