Image Sharing
Critiquer: Emily Belz
Submission Deadline: March 29, 2022
Topic: “Wide Angle Everything”
Though wide-angle lenses are commonly used with landscapes, they also have the ability of distorting things in two different ways. They can make objects close to the lens appear a lot bigger than they actually are and may cause barrel distortion.
Use your wide angle lens this month to try and capture the viewer’s attention to a lot more than usual.
Of course there is always the true “Open” category for those of us who have other (non-topic) images we wish to showcase.
Location: On line. The Zoom link will be sent to the BCA member list on the evening of the meeting.
Guests: You are welcome to attend two meetings, and then should join the group if you wish to continue. If you would like to attend a meeting use our Contact Form and select Guest Attendee under Inquiry Type.